Manresa releases an App with all information about their bus services.

Bus Manresa presents their new APP, a new information channel and an easier and more comfortable way to obtain the most relevant information about the city busses for its users, in real time. The application shows the user the nearest bus stops to his location on the map. In an easy and fast way, it allows the user knowing in real time at what time the bus will arrive at each bus stop, the next programmed departures and saving favorite stops.
Moreover, the application notifies incidents and allows to rapidly accessing all information from bus stops saved as favorites. Likewise, the service “I want to go”, indicates the best bus route between two points in Manresa and also shows the location and information about transport ticket sales points, like a list of valid tickets.
Busmanresa, Manresa´s city bus service, has 8 bus lines which serve a population of 76.000 citizens. The application is presented during the Mobility week, 2016 by the town councilor for Mobility in the municipality of Manresa, Olga Sánchez, the marketing manager of Segalés (the operating company of Manresa), Nerea Duran, and the technical expert on mobility in the Municipality of Manresa, Queralt Torres. The app, in which Nexus Geographics has collaborated, will be available for free the upcoming days for Android and iOS.